Monday, September 17, 2007

What a weekend...

I'll be the first to say that my weekend fun has risen almost 200% in the last few weeks; this past weekend being no exception.

How can a weekend be so much fun? Well, let me tell you. My weekend started out w/ assembling a custom made poker table, playing some heads-up on it, and then losing. I then enjoyed one of the longest dates i have ever been on - starting Friday night and ending Saturday afternoon - it included kayaking, picking up trash (CA Clean Coast Day) and lots of R-Rated details that arent fit for posting here ;p Sunday I made breakfast for a friend (nothing special, just kept it simple), watched a lot of football and then developed some more product ideas. In the afternoon i went on another date, this time to IKEA! Sunday ended with some good ol' fashioned baseball (Go Yankees!) and a loss by me in my Fantasy Football League.

The two great dates and two Yankee wins over the Sox are enough to make up for the bad play by my FFL team (and my busted Aces [see previous blog]).

Anyways, ciao 4 now.

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